Monday, November 18, 2013


Agree I really don't see why its such a big deal. They can get over it. its life thats my defence. If they don't like what they hear. A get over it and sit back and shut up. B Get out of the room and cry about it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I AGREE, let them work. People can get over it, money is money. Its one day. Make schedules another day? I mean if you dont like it then quit otherwise shut up and work.

They handle it fine. I dont no what more to say. If they dont want (Gay) people doing olympics then let it be. They can find something else to do. got to complain about every single thing. Shut up and quit crying cause you cant do olypmics and find something else to do!

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.The more the effort is to vote the less people will even vote.

2.Violation on the rights.


1. Was this a justifiable shooting?
No, kid should have not be doing that to the house. so he got shot. Lesson learned.

2. What does this type of action say about society?
That we can protect our selves i guess i dont no! Should have not shot him but it is what it is.