Monday, December 16, 2013


1. Kenya Mall Attack, Was horrible how it occuried. The people that died will never be forgoten an I hope everyone learned a lesson.
2.Iran nuclear Deal, I don't belive it has come to it, But its closer then ever. If this keeps happening it will eventually just end up happening and then we would of wished we shut up in the first place.
3.Baltimore cruise ship fire, Its horrible! God bless familys and friends. Hopefully nothing ever happens like this again.
4.Huge tornato hits oaklahoma. It's horrible that something like this happens. Sad thing is it hit harder then hard can get. Homes got swept away like nothing. Hopefully nothing ever happens like this again.
5.London shocked after brutal mercheta attack. Some syco Ran around with a mercheta or however its called and just killed people. It dont get much sicker then that. Man should be slaudered!
6.Spain Train crash, The train ignored the warning siganl lights, So what happend after he ignored the last one there really was no choice but to crash, people belive he did it on purpose, He got charged for homicide.
7.Syria Chemical Attack Allegation, Well it looks like its slowing geting down to it, Before you know it were going to be blown up or become slaves ha so enjoy life now! Ediot in the office thats starting crap thats unessacary. People belive hes actually secretly working for them, Which is most likely what is happening!
8.China Moon Rover Lands on Moon, They were the first to land on the moon at that country, Still some research going on. But they are apparently rovering the moon.
9.washington Dc navy yard shooting, It opened after the macace that happend,they put in a flawless security system.
10. 12 people killed by Discharged officer. What the *, Apparently some rage moment got into him. He was just a normal officer on discharge and he rolls up to yard and kills 12 people and then ends up being shot by anothe officer thank god before he eneded killing more!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Just the way he explains it makes it easy for everybody to understand, he makes good points however some are just uncalled for.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Everybody should be able to vote. Just because they are in prison dosen't make them not a citizen.