Friday, February 7, 2014


Well, basically talking about how in debt our country is going  Of-course that is not a good thing right. How Obama and all his crap putting us farther in dept every second of the day. 40 million people on average running off food stamps. Ah its horrible.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


My favorite president was Lincoln.

He Just always knew what to say to prevent any Problem. He wasn't afraid what to say and he always threw it all out on the line. Of-course this is the president so that's what there suppose to do, He just lay ed it out on the line a better way of understanding ETC. He saved the union even knowing the consequences could of went both ways. Which 1 was a good way of course and other would be horrific. He just believed what was right and no matter what the consequences were he knew he would still come out on top every time  So he an't sweating it.
He made it so the president (Himself) Can supreme over courts and congress, So once he made something he didn't have to go threw all that crap. However its good thats back now because Obama Is just trying to make us slaves but its a oh well. Thank god congress is SAYING NO!
People started looking to Lincoln as Jesus Christ. Yes, Everybody looked up to him and belived him and everything that he said, Thats because what he says was always correct. It always turned out the good way. There never was a bad way. Now if only we had a president like this now, everything would fall into place. However that's not going to happen anytime soon so. Ye that's it.


Oh my, Well I couldn't agree anymore. Pop is not healthy at all, Yet people drink it all the time and wonder why there 5000 pounds. Honestly. You'r already on the bottom low getting stamps in the first place. Some people honestly need it. But half the people in west virginia have 500 kids, Then breakup with the boyfriend. Get child support out the ***. Then they get the foodcard on top of it. They just living the life aren't they.

Anyways to the soda pop crap. NO, It should be only healthy foods. No junk foods ETC. Water Fruit Gatorade will work. But that's it. I'ts just geting carried away now and people are taking way to much advantage of it!