Monday, December 16, 2013


1. Kenya Mall Attack, Was horrible how it occuried. The people that died will never be forgoten an I hope everyone learned a lesson.
2.Iran nuclear Deal, I don't belive it has come to it, But its closer then ever. If this keeps happening it will eventually just end up happening and then we would of wished we shut up in the first place.
3.Baltimore cruise ship fire, Its horrible! God bless familys and friends. Hopefully nothing ever happens like this again.
4.Huge tornato hits oaklahoma. It's horrible that something like this happens. Sad thing is it hit harder then hard can get. Homes got swept away like nothing. Hopefully nothing ever happens like this again.
5.London shocked after brutal mercheta attack. Some syco Ran around with a mercheta or however its called and just killed people. It dont get much sicker then that. Man should be slaudered!
6.Spain Train crash, The train ignored the warning siganl lights, So what happend after he ignored the last one there really was no choice but to crash, people belive he did it on purpose, He got charged for homicide.
7.Syria Chemical Attack Allegation, Well it looks like its slowing geting down to it, Before you know it were going to be blown up or become slaves ha so enjoy life now! Ediot in the office thats starting crap thats unessacary. People belive hes actually secretly working for them, Which is most likely what is happening!
8.China Moon Rover Lands on Moon, They were the first to land on the moon at that country, Still some research going on. But they are apparently rovering the moon.
9.washington Dc navy yard shooting, It opened after the macace that happend,they put in a flawless security system.
10. 12 people killed by Discharged officer. What the *, Apparently some rage moment got into him. He was just a normal officer on discharge and he rolls up to yard and kills 12 people and then ends up being shot by anothe officer thank god before he eneded killing more!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Just the way he explains it makes it easy for everybody to understand, he makes good points however some are just uncalled for.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Everybody should be able to vote. Just because they are in prison dosen't make them not a citizen.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Agree I really don't see why its such a big deal. They can get over it. its life thats my defence. If they don't like what they hear. A get over it and sit back and shut up. B Get out of the room and cry about it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I AGREE, let them work. People can get over it, money is money. Its one day. Make schedules another day? I mean if you dont like it then quit otherwise shut up and work.

They handle it fine. I dont no what more to say. If they dont want (Gay) people doing olympics then let it be. They can find something else to do. got to complain about every single thing. Shut up and quit crying cause you cant do olypmics and find something else to do!

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.The more the effort is to vote the less people will even vote.

2.Violation on the rights.


1. Was this a justifiable shooting?
No, kid should have not be doing that to the house. so he got shot. Lesson learned.

2. What does this type of action say about society?
That we can protect our selves i guess i dont no! Should have not shot him but it is what it is.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today you will be developing a political cartoon of your own based on one of the assigned topics that follows. Your cartoon must include three of the five elements from . Review the activity if necessary.

You may create your cartoon at , and print when finished.

1. Obamacare
2. Syria
3. NSA spying
4. Halloween
5. Government shutdown
6. Ted Cruz
7. Gun control
8. Vladimir Putin
9. Freedom of Speech
10. Death Penalty
11. Congress
12. The Presidency
13. The Supreme Court
14. The Media
15. The Internet

Wouldent load

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


1.  Go to and select 5 political cartoons

2. Post an analysis of the five cartoons you selected.
Obama and putting cartoon (how bad he is)
Syria chemical weapons (how they threaten us so much but they don't do  nothing
Obama-care exchange (website dont work)
government shutdown (how it was shutdown)
Back to school (drills we got to do but nothing never happens)

  • Include the overall message of the cartoon
  • any use of symbolism, exaggeration, labeling, analogy, or irony

3.  Choose one cartoon to do a two minute presentation to the class on Thursday

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


139332 600 Tea party boulder pushers cartoons
1. Why are they doing this.
2.Would you have did the same.
3.What are they knocking over
4. Would it be worth it. you think its funny.

Let your eyes hover over the object. your eyes will notice the 1 thing that pops out the most. most colorful or biggest etc. Then determan where you think they are from. The way they look (Clothing). Then next look for widely reconozied symbols. Look at the minor words that are in the picture or next to there name. Do determan there personality and humor.

Monday, October 28, 2013


1. Read the article and write your initial response.

2. Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?
Yes i mean it is wrong, but i guess people do what they want these days.

3. Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?
I dont really feel there was an issue. Atleast to me. IT was a problem back then and not now. Its the past. What happend /happend.

Friday, October 25, 2013


2. moderate republican



Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: 1.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.90

 4. will not come up!

The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Your Results

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 40%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 100%

This quiz has been taken 20,036,062 times

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...

conserative. I belive we need a strong military. WE dont need welfare bums. They just need to be sent of to a new country. All they do is make 10 kids so they get a 2k check everymonth. Sell there food stamps and by meth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


 Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit? Why or why not?
Yes. It's a rock, get over it. He saved some kids life shouldent you be proud.

2, On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property? Why or Why not?
Uhm no. You cant just walk past some kid when a rock is about to fall and kill him, but then again it is a special rock which is way way way more importand to them. This is a joke. Get over it the kid gets to live another day. just put the freaken rock back where it was. Super glue and duct-tape will do it

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10-17-13 Video game violence

Well video games. Most of us like them, some think its a waste of time. It's just awesome being able to play with friends and family and people across the world! However people are saying that it affects school performance and brain issues. In my opinion games is what gives us something forward to look to when we get home. I dont see how it could affect your brain. School shootings occur the first thing that comes to there mind is video games. That is just nonsense. Sure I love killing zombies and other people (on video games ) that doesn't mean im going to go a random killing spree in real life. That is just maniacs that do that crap! Studys say that video gaming is actually good for your brain. Say your in a video game thats intense lots of things going on and you got an objective. Your brain acts as if it was actually happening.

The downside of video games. Is school performance! Yes we know you wake up say oh god school. Video games just give you something to look forward to. Playing a different game or another level. That being said. When you enter school, your really not thinking of the stuff your suppose to be thinking about. Your brain is set to gaming. Which decreases your school performance. As in grades or behavior. Studys show that violence in schools is what causes alot of fights. Thinking you just got this fighting game and you wanted to try out some new moves. Note this is younger kids in middle school or younger. If your an adult. I'm sure you know whats right from wrong.

Overall. Video games is just sitting in between so its hard to say which is good for you or bad. Good to say that video games will no be going no where anytime soon in my lifetime so it really don't matter to me.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


1.  Should the two girls be charged?  yes or no and explain your answer
YES. OF-course they should be charged. They should go to jail for life. Teach these girls a lesson. Bullying is just stupid and a waste of time. People that bully just do it cause they have a horrible life and they want yours to be like that to.

2.  What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony? 
Criminal law act in some certain county's. Felony is basically everyone has your record and comes up in system in most states.
3.  What one thing do you think should be done to combat bullying? 
Should be beat up by teachers or other students, or be sent off for 1 month the first time and if it happens again then be sent off for 2 years. Then again Just jail time for life or electric chair haha.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Is it fair to force the states to pay something that is the responsibility of the national government?  No. They should not have to pay for that. Its a government shutdown. Big whoop for most Americans, Just keep the parks shut down. People can wait its not the end of the world yet!

2.  go to and look at the most visited national parks in the United States.  Then select which of the parks you would most like to visit and tell why. 
Grand canyon. Why well because i never been there and it would be a cool experience.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


 Do you agree or disagree with changing the name? Defend your position in one paragraph.
They shouldn't be able to change the name over that. It wasn't a problem then why is it a problem now. Who cares what the team name is its how the team plays. This is just stupid and shoudlent even been brought up.

Monday, October 7, 2013


1.. What does this say about our national security? That it is horrible, very irresponsible and just pure lazyness.

2. Are you surprised that something like this could happen in 2013? yes ofcourse. The world is coming to horror. People are geting more lazy and the world is geting tooken over my foregins, before you no it everything ill just crash. It's not if its just when!

Monday, September 30, 2013

9/30/13 bell ringer

What do all of these share.

They all place in the 90's and will all be remembered

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


1. Identify the motivations that McDonald's has for offering this large multi-person meal.
I belive its a good idea and it will most likely be a hit. Its sports season and brothers and sisters stoping after mcdonalds after a long hard day at practice for only 15$ Mcdonalds will draw some more money.

2. Approximate the number of calories in this meal and divide by two. Could this have an affect on the obesity rate. I dont think it will. I mean If people are going to mcdonalds now they are most likely going to eat other stuff and not just gain 100lbs from a new meal that they made.

3. Do you predict that other fast food businesses will follow this trend? Justify your answer.
Yes i do belive cause i think they will try to do the same but for other foods to try to make more money.

Monday, September 9, 2013


1. Does the US have a responsibility to be a world police force?
Yes It helps keep the world intact and crime rates down ETc.

2. What roll should the UN play in enforcement?
I dont think none .. They should do their thing while we do our thing.

3. Why are chemical weapons of such concern to the world?
Yea it is very dangerous. IT can be loaded into bombs and do some major quiet damage.

Friday, September 6, 2013


1. Write a reaction to the article.
I think this is horrible. The father should be tooken away from his son. No son should have to go through this. This is horrible. I wish i could meet the dad.

2. What do the father's action show?
That he is a horrible father and that he dosent deserve to be with his son. The man should be sent to prison for a few years to learn his lesson.

3. Would this have been acceptable in the 1950s?
I agree to say no.. But apparently in the 1950s it was for disaplin but I dont think the kid did nothing wrong he was just trying to learn to read and the son was trying his best and the dad took advantage of him and did what he did which was pathedic and not right!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer.
No because it would bring in more people If you raised the price then it would make people mad and they would go elsewere

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
No The jobs should pay 8-9$ a Hour.. It is liveable but not by much. The jobs should manily be for teens to help them get on their feet and get their lift situated. It makes me sick seeing a 40 year old in their. Its just pathedic.


What fields and or degrees should a person pursue?
What ever 1 that they are best in and feel more comftorable

2. What additional data would you like to see?
Howmuch more money people could make working/doing didnt subjects

3. How will this impact your decisions about college?
Not by much because I will not be going to college.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

bellringer 9/3/13

1.Invasion of privacy. No not really If you dont want them to see there page then they can block or ignore them..

2. Terms in conditions. NO i dont read the Rules and regulations and the accepting box at the bottom of the screen

Does it violate the 4th amendmant right . It is in the terms and conditions on facebook so in my opinion yes it does affect the 3 amendmant right.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bell ringer 8/29
Corey Lowery

Talking about how freedom is theirs.. And they need to stick up for what they belive in and not give up.. If they all come together they could make a change.