Tuesday, September 10, 2013


1. Identify the motivations that McDonald's has for offering this large multi-person meal.
I belive its a good idea and it will most likely be a hit. Its sports season and brothers and sisters stoping after mcdonalds after a long hard day at practice for only 15$ Mcdonalds will draw some more money.

2. Approximate the number of calories in this meal and divide by two. Could this have an affect on the obesity rate. I dont think it will. I mean If people are going to mcdonalds now they are most likely going to eat other stuff and not just gain 100lbs from a new meal that they made.

3. Do you predict that other fast food businesses will follow this trend? Justify your answer.
Yes i do belive cause i think they will try to do the same but for other foods to try to make more money.

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