Monday, September 30, 2013

9/30/13 bell ringer

What do all of these share.

They all place in the 90's and will all be remembered

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


1. Identify the motivations that McDonald's has for offering this large multi-person meal.
I belive its a good idea and it will most likely be a hit. Its sports season and brothers and sisters stoping after mcdonalds after a long hard day at practice for only 15$ Mcdonalds will draw some more money.

2. Approximate the number of calories in this meal and divide by two. Could this have an affect on the obesity rate. I dont think it will. I mean If people are going to mcdonalds now they are most likely going to eat other stuff and not just gain 100lbs from a new meal that they made.

3. Do you predict that other fast food businesses will follow this trend? Justify your answer.
Yes i do belive cause i think they will try to do the same but for other foods to try to make more money.

Monday, September 9, 2013


1. Does the US have a responsibility to be a world police force?
Yes It helps keep the world intact and crime rates down ETc.

2. What roll should the UN play in enforcement?
I dont think none .. They should do their thing while we do our thing.

3. Why are chemical weapons of such concern to the world?
Yea it is very dangerous. IT can be loaded into bombs and do some major quiet damage.

Friday, September 6, 2013


1. Write a reaction to the article.
I think this is horrible. The father should be tooken away from his son. No son should have to go through this. This is horrible. I wish i could meet the dad.

2. What do the father's action show?
That he is a horrible father and that he dosent deserve to be with his son. The man should be sent to prison for a few years to learn his lesson.

3. Would this have been acceptable in the 1950s?
I agree to say no.. But apparently in the 1950s it was for disaplin but I dont think the kid did nothing wrong he was just trying to learn to read and the son was trying his best and the dad took advantage of him and did what he did which was pathedic and not right!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer.
No because it would bring in more people If you raised the price then it would make people mad and they would go elsewere

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
No The jobs should pay 8-9$ a Hour.. It is liveable but not by much. The jobs should manily be for teens to help them get on their feet and get their lift situated. It makes me sick seeing a 40 year old in their. Its just pathedic.


What fields and or degrees should a person pursue?
What ever 1 that they are best in and feel more comftorable

2. What additional data would you like to see?
Howmuch more money people could make working/doing didnt subjects

3. How will this impact your decisions about college?
Not by much because I will not be going to college.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

bellringer 9/3/13

1.Invasion of privacy. No not really If you dont want them to see there page then they can block or ignore them..

2. Terms in conditions. NO i dont read the Rules and regulations and the accepting box at the bottom of the screen

Does it violate the 4th amendmant right . It is in the terms and conditions on facebook so in my opinion yes it does affect the 3 amendmant right.